Studio Policies
Studio Policies
Registration Fee: A non-refundable fee of $25 per family is required yearly at the time of registration.
Payment of Tuition: Tuition is due for a full eight months and may be paid monthly or quarterly. Monthly tuition is due on the first class session of each month. After the 10th of the month, statements will be given to the student and a $10.00 late fee will be charged. Tuition may be paid online through PayPal or credit/debit card or via check. A $7 fee will be charged for bounced checks. Tuition for the complete month is still required, even if the child does not attend all the classes. Please make all checks payable to “Yazoo City School of Dance."
Placement and Schedules: If there is discrepancy concerning a child’s level placement, the instructor will observe that student during the first weeks of classes. If a change needs to be made, the child will be moved to the appropriate class according to his/her ability. All questions or concerns about placement or class schedules are welcome.
Dress Code: Required dancewear and dance shoes must be worn to all classes (see below). Hair should be up for all ballet classes. Students taking other classes are required to have their hair out of their face using a headband and/or putting their hair in a ponytail. Failure to meet dress code may result in a student being asked to sit and watch class. Please label all dancewear and dance shoes with your child’s name. Students should not wear their dance shoes outside. This can damage their shoes and bring dirt into the studio. Watches, necklaces, and bracelets may not be worn during class.
Ballet Classes: Black leotard, pink or skin-toned tights, pink or skin-toned leather ballet shoes. No skirts.
Tap/Jazz: Any color leotard, black tights or black cropped pants that show the ankle, black soft jazz shoes (no jazz sneakers please), black tap shoes, and thin socks.
Teen Contemporary Dance: Any color leotard, black cropped pants that show the ankle, black soft jazz shoes, and thin socks
*If you know your child’s dancewear sizes, you may also order items online. Try www.discountdance.com.
Attendance, Lateness, and Behavior: Students are expected to be prepared and on time for their class. Dancers who arrive as late as 15 minutes after class has begun will be asked to sit out and watch, as they will have missed warm-up. Students that miss more than four lessons after March 21 may not be allowed to participate in the year-end recital. Proper etiquette for a dance class is expected of each student. If a student with disruptive behavior becomes a distraction for fellow students, the student may not be allowed to continue dance lessons. Behavioral issues will be discussed with a parent or guardian after class.
Injuries: Parents, legal guardians of minors, students and adult students waive the right to any legal action for any injury sustained on the school property resulting from normal dance activity or any other activity conducted by the student before, during or after class time. If a student is injured or is suffering from a specific condition it is the student’s responsibility to notify me before the class begins.
Covid-19 Precautions and Assumption of Risk: Students with any Covid-19 symptoms (fever, cough, vomiting, etc.) must not attend dance class. If a student has been exposed to or tests positive for Covid-19, s/he may not attend dance class for 5 days following the date of exposure. or positive test. Parents and students acknowledge the highly contagious nature of Covid-19 and assume all risk for participation in dance classes. The Yazoo City School of Dance and its instructor(s) are not responsible for any illness, disability, or death resulting from Covid-19 or any other illness that may be transmitted during, before, or after dance classes.
Recital: Recital participation is optional. For those families who participate, a costume fee is due November 7. The costume fee is $65/student per class. Students will be measured, and costumes will be ordered in December. A $20 recital fee per family is due March 6. This covers recital expenses including the purchase of music, printing of programs, payment for backstage helpers, etc. Entrance to the recital is free (no tickets are sold).
Withdrawals: If your child wishes to withdraw from dance classes, please inform your child's instructor and Krista Bower. Full payment for the current month of classes is required.
Other Polices: No gum, food, or drink is allowed in the studio space. Dancers are expected to use the bathroom before class. Students are not to enter the studio until the instructor tells them it is time for class to begin. Students will not be allowed to leave class for any reason without permission from the teacher. Parents may not observe class with the exception of Parent
Observation Days.
Photography: Photos taken of dance students may be used in future promotional materials and/or on the dance school website unless you submit a written request for your child not to be included in these materials.